How can I have a 695 credit score with delinquent debt?

Credit Report & Score Guide Forums Credit Score Forum How can I have a 695 credit score with delinquent debt?

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    I checked my credit score and it says 695. I know that I have a delinquent debt on my credit report from 2 years ago. I just can’t see how that’s possible.

    Stacy Wall

    Probably a Vantage score, not FICO

    Where did you get that score? My guess would be Equifax/Experian/TransUnion, not

    The 3 major credit bureaus stopped selling Fico scores to consumers. Instead, they sell Vantage scores which run on a completely different scale, from 501 to 900.

    There is no real comparing between Fico and Vantage, but as you can see from this credit score range comparison, while a Fico score of 695 is good, a 695 Vantage score is pretty bad.

    The only place that sells ‘real’ Fico scores to consumers is If you got a Fico score elsewhere than it’s a FAKKO score, which is pretty much useless.

    Credit scores are just one factor among many in the lending decision. Creditors look at your actual credit reports, as well as other factors such as employment history, annual income and more. You can have a 710 Fico score and be turned down due to not having enough credit, or get approved with a 680 Fico.

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